Our Charter

Game Workers Unite Ireland is an organisation of workers across the Irish game industry. We are a distinct branch of FSU trade union. Through our union we are committed to fighting to improve the games sector.

We want to challenge and win fair solutions on the following key issues:

  1. Low pay: We are committed to raising standards on pay in order to ensure that all game workers are afforded a better standard of living, share fairly in the profits produced and can live their lives without economic strain.
  2. We want to see the end of crunch and unpaid overtime. No workers should feel obligated to work 40+ hour weeks. We believe overwork is detrimental to the physical and psychological wellbeing of workers. GWU Ireland will fight to end crunch culture and eliminate unpaid overtime.
  3. Lack of job security is an unacceptable standard across the industry. Temporary and flexible contracts offer no security and do not guarantee any predictability of working patterns. We believe every worker is entitled to have stability and security in their work. Consequently, we want to see the end of the industry’s over reliance on temporary and flexible contracts.
  4. We wish to see the implementation of fair and robust measures across the sector to deal with harassment, intimidation and bullying. We wish to see employers tackle these issues effectively through procedures which prioritise the welfare of their employees, as opposed to the public image of companies.
  5. We are campaigning for increased investment in the game industry in Ireland. We want to see greater state support for the sector. Including the establishment of an Irish Games Board, which would function like the Irish Film Board. We want to see the development of high-quality start-ups, and real options for people to establish common ownership models like co-operatives. 

What's The Score?

This report summarises the findings of a survey of workers and working issues in the games sector in Ireland. The survey was designed and administered by Game Workers Unite Ireland in 2019.  This research will inform future work and campaigns by GWU Ireland.

–  Game Workers United Ireland

www.GWUIreland.org is a project of the Financial Services Union